We Help Attorneys Navigate & Leverage Their Careers
When you call On Balance, you will always be directed to the principal
Who We Are
Balance Search Consultants LLC has been an elite, boutique legal search firm since 2005 that specializes in connecting law firms with exceptional professionals at the executive level. We offer limitless insight and industry intelligence placing lateral partner attorneys, as well as group acquisitions and law firm mergers in the Metro New York area.
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Our extensive network extends nationally and internationally with affiliates in Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, Washington DC, Miami, Dallas and London. On Balance Search works closely with all key stakeholders to ensure a high retention rate of placements. Because of our years of experience, we know that people make your law firm successful. Mistakes in hiring can cost your firm high costs in revenue, lost time, effort, and worst of all… your image! We partner with both the client and the candidate so everyone wins.
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Why Work With Us?
On Balance Search focuses on protecting all relationships guaranteeing the candidate’s mission and objectives are aligned with target organizations; thereby enabling future growth. This is why we are proud to say we have an above average success rate for all positions placed in the last 5 years!
Our Promise:
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What People Say
Suzanne Levy, Esq
I highly recommend Shari Davidson if you are an attorney looking for a new position. Shari is the best recruiter that I have had the opportunity to work with. She is committed to the process, very professional and understands the needs of the legal industry and what’s important when making a placement with attorneys.
Adam Katz
Shari simply gets it… she gets people, she knows how to match up the needs and skills of people and organizations in both a logical and professional manner, with a unique touch of her creative and vivacious energy and passion in her work. Thank you Shari!
Jeremy S. Rosof
Shari is a terrific professional development coach and sounding board for mid-career attorneys. She makes the effort to get to know each client and to build relationships and gives freely of the most previous commodity — her time — for each and every client: a rarity in her field. She is high energy and always ready to roll up her sleeves and get to work.