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Clients That Go Dark: Not Feeling The Love

One of the most annoying things for an attorney applying for a position is going through the process and then hearing nothing from them. Not a phone call, a note, email. You thought the interview went well and then — nothing.

And candidates are going dark as well. You get them in the door, an offer is made and then suddenly they go dark. No return call, no note — silence.

“Whenever you don’t hear back from the client, most likely, somewhere along the line something or someone has dropped the ball” — Shari Davidson, President On Balance Search Consultants.

There are many reasons why a client may go dark:

  • Law firms go through very formal processes when bringing on a new attorney and often this process can take a considerable amount of time. Not surprisingly law firms lose a lot of good candidates in the process.
  • Or the firm’s needs have changed overnight. Law firms will “go dark” and simply won’t comment or provide any reason for their decision.
  • Sometimes a better applicant comes along, and the firm has put your application on hold pending the offer given to the better prospect. Timing as they say, is everything.
  • Upon reviewing your application, issues arise that were not disclosed during the interview. Consequently, if you are not straight with your recruiter from the onset, you may run the risk of being shot down for not be more forthcoming.
  • On occasion, the firm reviewed your application and did not make you an offer but want to keep your file open for possible opportunities in the future.
  • If a firm is having internal problems which is a possibility, then you don’t want to work there anyway.

No matter what the reason is, communication is the key.  Lack of communication can actually hurt the law firm’s brand. Work with a legal recruiter, they can help keep all the participants in the know.

“Many candidates tell me that when they first started looking for a job fresh out of law school, that some firms treated them poorly during the interviewing process. Many will not work for those firms citing the lack of decency displayed. It’s the rule of 200. Everyone knows 200 people who they will tell or via social media share how they were mis-treated” — Shari Davidson, President On Balance Search Consultants.

Don’t go it alone. Looking for the right offer takes time, it takes effort, and you have to realize that it can be at times taxing on your ego. Ready to make the move, let’s talk.

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About On Balance Search
On Balance offers great insight and industry intelligence. Shari Davidson, president of On Balance Search Consultants, advises experienced attorneys at every stage of their career to take them to the next level. From making the lateral partner move to succession planning.

Shari takes a proactive approach to advising law firms on how to take a firm to the next level and helps rising talent make the transition to the right law firm. On Balance Search identifies opportunities that exist today, not down the road.

Contact us today. Call 516-731-3400 or visit our website at

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Ms. Davidson, a highly skilled human resources executive with over 20 years’ experience that specializes in finding top talent in the legal community. Shari has placed lateral partner attorneys, as well as group acquisitions & law firm mergers and has assisted several prominent clients in recruiting lateral associates, paralegals and internal professional administrative positions.