This past year has been a game changer for us all. The legal industry to its credit quickly embraced the technology to work through this crisis. Now we are getting ready for the new normal.
Not surprisingly, the best in the biz finds ways to continue to thrive in this highly volatile, chaotic economy.
What do these uber-successful attorneys have in common? How do they succeed when all others fail?
They all have a vision as to what changes are necessary to work through the uncertain terrain. Not all plans are perfect. What sets Uber-successful lawyers apart is that they clearly see what is not working, they quickly assess and adjust, making difficult decisions to realize their goals.
Uber-successful people share these common traits to make it happen in any climate:
1. Perseverance & Resolve
It takes perseverance and resolve. No one said it was going to be easy, you have the mental toughness to work the plan, make adjustments and keep yourself on course. When there are roadblocks, you re-think your options quickly and push on.
2. Agility & Aptitude
Most don’t see it coming, nor do they have the know how needed to steer the ship to stay on course. Uber-successful people make the difficult decisions once they determine what is needed to get past the unexpected challenges.
3. Undivided Moral Compass
There are many ways to get it done. People with integrity see it only one way. You’ve got to do the right thing, tell the truth and trust yourself. Doing what’s right is often difficult, but there is no other way for you.
4. The Fire Within
What sets you apart from your peers is your single-minded obsession with knowing what you want. Most don’t have the clarity of vision that you have. You know what you want, for you it’s game on. For your competitors its game over.
5. Likable & Perceptive
You can relate to others quickly. You understand people and get who they are. You how to approach people, and they like you.
“Work with an advisor and consider what is no longer working and where you need to be. Complacency is the killer, silently sitting on the sidelines is not an option.” — Shari Davidson, President of On Balance Search Consultants.
Many of us hit a wall during this pandemic.
Uber-successful break through by taking ownership of the situation and take action to get back on course. They don’t make impulsive, ill thought-out decisions. And they don’t dither about, time is money.
There is only one way forward, and that has to be a strategic plan that is consistent with your values. Listen to what others are doing but stay true to thy self. Put the new strategic plan in motion.
Highly successful people know exactly where they are going and what they want. They plan. They anticipate and know that adjustments must be made along the way.
Super successful lawyers are always proactive, not reacting to the next crisis.
A lot of their success is achieved by knowing that firms are a good fit for them. Work for a firm that shares your values and wants you on their team.
Take a hard look at yourself, understand what successful traits you lack and what you need to work on. This is the time to make adjustments. Don’t just survive, take this opportunity to thrive.
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About: On Balance Search Consultants
On Balance offers great insight and industry intelligence. Shari Davidson, president of On Balance Search Consultants, advises experienced attorneys at every stage of their career to take them to the next level. From making the lateral partner move to succession planning.
Shari takes a proactive approach to advising law firms on how to take a firm to the next level and helps rising talent make the transition to the right law firm. On Balance Search identifies opportunities that exist today, not down the road.
Contact us today. Call 516.731.3400 or visit our website at
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