You’re Invited, Complimentary CLE
Please feel free to share with your colleagues (licensed attorneys). Note each attorney needs to register to receive their unique zoom credentials for credit.
Building Your Practice Through Digital Advertising While Complying with the Advertising Rules
What Lawyers and Their Law Firms Need to Know Now
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
In this ethics CLE, you will learn advanced digital marketing techniques and best practices to build your practice while staying in compliance with attorney advertising rules. Speakers include attorney John C. Zaher who has over 30 years of public relations, advertising and marketing experience, along with Brad Swezey, a veteran Air Force Officer who also has 30 plus years of marketing and advertising experience inside and outside of the Federal Government. He also attended Georgetown Law.
The program will review the attorney advertising rules and how they apply to digital marketing. Some of the topics covered include website/ landing page design, traditional versus digital advertising, Google Video and Display Ads, Google Search Ads, Social Media Ads, and Streaming Services. Learn how to track results using Google Analytics and Call Tracking software powered by AI. Court decisions and ethics opinions will also be
Speakers: John Zaher, Esq. and Brad Swezey
Location: Online Seminar
Time: 1:00PM – 3:00 PM EST Seminar
Date: June 19th, 2024
CLE Credits: 2.0 Ethics and Professionalism – (NY)
Also approved in NJ/PA/OH/WI/WV.
Accreditation: National Academy of Continuing Legal Education
Your unique individual login credentials will be sent to you. Please note: Each attendee must register to receive personal zoom credentials and CLE credit.
Registration Cutoff is Tuesday June 18th at 5 PM EST!