Economic forecasts are typically quite accurate, the problem is that the experts can’t seem to figure it out. Trust is at an all time low. Did anyone think it was going to be this bad?
As we emerge from the darkness into the light, it’s high time to get back on track from this tumultuous year.
Relationships have never been tested like they have during this COVID Crisis. Never before have many of us done so much under such extraordinary circumstances. Time itself has been compressed, consequently our personal and business relationships have been strained.
Trends Shaping the Legal Industry
Many of us have been hard hit by the coronavirus, things have changed. Competition is fierce, what worked in the past will not get it done, in this new normal. Make the necessary adjustments to thrive in this age of disruption.
Connecting on a deeper level.
Although technology has been a savior for many during this pandemic, human interaction has been lost. Many have been let go due to this unprecedented economic downturn. Now is the time to connect. Joining peer groups and meetings off and online are the best way to kickstart your job prospects.
Creating a powerful social sphere of influence.
Don’t get left behind, embrace social media and wield its power to influence and attract new opportunities. Engage with key stakeholders and garner testimonials to build trust and establish yourself as a thought leader in your area of law.
Remote work is the future.
Law firms are embracing a blended remote and staggered in office work schedule. New roles and responsibilities of a remote workforce gives firms a bigger pool of the best available talent who were impeded by raising kids or the challenges of commuting into the city each day.
Work with a legal recruiter.
Work with an expert who is on the bleeding edge of what is happening in the legal marketplace. From senior partners to those who have been let go, there will never be a better time to negotiate a better deal or join a new firm with a bright future as we emerge from this crisis.
“It’s chaos out there, and yet in the coming month new opportunities await. Question is, do you have the luxury of waiting this crisis out? Making a move now may be the best option.” – Shari Davidson, President of On Balance Search Consultants

About: On Balance Search Consultants
On Balance offers great insight and industry intelligence. Shari Davidson, president of On Balance Search Consultants, advises experienced attorneys at every stage of their career to take them to the next level. From making the lateral partner move to succession planning.
Shari takes a proactive approach to advising law firms on how to take a firm to the next level and helps rising talent make the transition to the right law firm. On Balance Search identifies opportunities that exist today, not down the road.
Contact us today. Call 516-731-3400 or visit our website at
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